sourcecode/grafx.txt | |
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******************************* (c) 1996-2002 by Stefan Goehler, Germany ***
***** GRAFX 1.4c ************************************************************
***** Documentation - Version 1.11 *****
**** Find me in the Web @ ***
*** Mail me @ stefan dot goehler at gmx dot de *
** *
* *
* A thanx flies to Christian Klukas - he made a lot of testing on *
* version 1.3. Only with his help I was able to make the newest *
* release 1.3 so stable and bugfree (hey ;)! *
****** *
Some release notes:
I'm currently developing GrafX 2 and there was really not enough
time to test all of the procedures for HiColor. So if you find
any bugs, send me, like always, the information about it. But
please don't expect a bugfix short after your report. Maybe I
release GrafX 1.41, maybe not. My time is really limited at the
I'll revise this text also into html in the next time (I think
with Grafx2).
BTW, the manual is not finished. I began making it with version
1.3a1 or so, where were not all procedures. Don't blame me, I'm
happy I finally finished version 1.3c (final version) after a
Before doing anything, read this COPYRIGHT information:
Copyright agreement, changes reserved
All these statements apply, if not explicitely stated different, on ANY
unit delivered with this package.
You can use my units entired in your own programs. Ripping any code off
or using parts (unimportant if modified or original) of this package
somewhere else, e.g. in other packages, is not allowed without my
þ If you wrote any code for the package yourself (meaning not modified
code), you are allowed to use this special kind of code yourself and
without my permission (just because it's your work, not mine)
þ You can get a license for parts of this package or the whole package,
the respective author(s) of such a part will get a donation from you
This package is Freeware, as long as the product which uses it, is Freeware.
You can use it freely in any kind of software which uses this and any of
the other delivered units with these restrictions:
þ You need to state the name of the package and also the names of the
authors who did their hard work in this product on an often seen place
of your product (intro/extro etc.).
þ You have to inform me if you use this package in any kind of commercial
software, you need to get a license for it
You are allowed to do modifications on my units. If they are useful, please
let me know what you've done and give me the modifications.
Modifications concerning the existence and/or modification of any
copyright/author/name statements are generally not allowed.
You are not allowed to publish modified units, you may only use them in
your own productions (where these sources aren't published).
Version publications are restricted to my person (Stefan Goehler).
Additionally, you aren't allowed to charge any money for the units or any
derivates of them, except you put them on some kind of
shareware/freeware/sourcecode collection media.
If not different stated, you aren't allowed use or spread any of the
delivered units single, you have to spread the package with all files.
Spreading units single is only allowed if I gave you my permission or
the unit is yours and is not special licensed (see chapter 1).
If you don't agree with these statements, please erase this sofware.
If you don't understand a part, feel free to contact me.
If you want to use the GrafX JPEG extensions, have a look at my site.
I tried to put the files in a overviewable way into the zip-library, this
means that they are not at all in the way you'll need them.
So, just do this: decompress the files WITH SUBDIRS into your tp\bin -
directory (or whereever your turbo.exe is placed), after that move all
files from tp\bin\loader to tp\bin and do the same with the directory
tp\bin\demo. Thereafter delete these subdirs, which are empty now.
It's your stuff how you do it with the tp\bin\fonts - dir, but I
suggest to keep it - more than 25 fonts spreaded in your bin - directory
are not that fine thing ;)
The most important commands:
.setmode (setting up a graphical mode)
.graphresult (needs to be called after setmode)
.closegraph (any comments? ;)
What you need to do:
Add to your USES-line the following units:
Make sure that GrafX is AFTER crt, because the color-constants
(white, blue, etc.) have other values in hicolor-modes.
shortcuts : i.e. = in example
>> procedure getpal;
Get the whole palette and put the colors into the variable pal.
>> procedure setpal;
Set the whole palette provided by the variable pal.
>> procedure getuserpal(var pal);
Same as getpal, but you can give your own colortable as a parameter.
>> procedure setuserpal(var pal);
Same as setpal but you can give your own colortable as a parameter.
>> procedure setrgbpalette(col,r,g,b : integer);
Set a color directly. Colornum contains the color number, R,G and B contain
the color values. Unlike in older versions the maximum value you can
set there, is 255. That's for a more easy handling with hicolor modes.
The 2nd virtual palette for image conversion will be filled with the
values, use putline8 then for automatic conversion.
>> procedure getrgbpalette(col : byte;var r,g,b : byte);
Write the colors of palette index COLOR into the variables R,G and B.
>> procedure setrgbpal(col,r,g,b : byte);
>> procedure getrgbpal(col : byte;var r,g,b : byte);
These 2 procedures run like their pendants with the 'ette' on the end
but it does not affect the real color palette but the virtual color
palette which is in the variable PAL.
>> function rgb(r,g,b : byte) : longint;
8 Bit mode:
Looks for the nearest rgb-value available. You should call getpal
prior to this function, to use the actual palette.
If you call it very often (for whatever), call therefore initrgb.
This procedure fills a color-lookup-table to find a fitting color.
That procedure takes some time, but thereafter you have very fast
Converts the rgb-values to the current screen mode.
>> procedure loadjascpal(path : string);
Load a palette made with Paint Shop Pro. The palette is loaded into the
virtual palette. To set the palette you should use setpal thereafter.
>> function loadpal(name : string;pal : pointer) : boolean;
Load a 768-byte-sized palette-file into PAL. To set the palette, loaded by
this function, use setuserpal.
>> procedure setmode(resx,resy,colres : word);
It's really simple to use, like this: setmode(640,480,16);.
After you called this procedure, you should call graphresult to check
if there were any errors in the initialization. Otherwise your program
may crash when there was a problem ;))).
>> procedure closegraph;
You _must_ use this to close a graphical mode. It restores the last
textmode and restores the last text screen. It also sets a variable,
defining that you are not in graphical mode anymore.
>> function grapherrormsg(errorcode : integer) : string;
Use it with the errorcodes returned by graphresult - you'll get back
an error string.
>> function graphresult : integer;
Graphresult will be always equal 0 if there were no errors after a
call of a procedure (like setmode, loadfont etc). If it returns
nonzero, then use GraphErrorMSG with the returned value to give
out the errorstring.
>> function getdrivername : string;
Returns string with the name of detected card. If a special card is
supported (like S3 and Cirrus) then it returns the chip
information, like 'S3 Trio64 764' otherwise only 'VESA'.
>> procedure waitretrace;
Avoids flickering in animations, because it pauses drawing until the
vertical beam of the monitor goes back to start (top left point on
screen). Use it when finished one frame before drawing the next.
>> procedure hretrace;
Waits until the cathode-beam is in the next line. Useful for
>> procedure setscreen(on : boolean);
Sets the screen on(true) or off(false). If it's set to off,
the memory-transferring process gets a little more speed and you can
draw slow things(like loading a png-picture) while the user can'n see
the process on the monitor.
>> procedure setviewport(x1,y1,x2,y2 : integer;clip : boolean);
Sets the actual viewport. Clip means that the draw commands can draw
only in the ranges of rectangle (x1,y1),(x2,y2).
>> procedure getviewsettings(var viewport : viewporttype);
Get the actual viewport settings.
>> procedure clearviewport;
Clear the actual viewport area.
>> function openimage(var p : pointer;sx,sy : word) : word;
Creates a new image in the memory - calculates the memory-size,
gets the memory, sets the image size and gives back the getted
memory. WARNING: if it returns zero, then there occured a problem.
Normally that means that your image would be larger than 64 Kbyte.
If you ignore the zero, your program could crash!!
>> procedure closeimage(var p : pointer);
Frees the memory of an image - call this, if you don't need the
image anymore.
>> procedure clearimage(p : pointer);
Clears the image at the pointer P.
>> procedure getimagesize(p : pointer;var x,y : word);
Get the sizes of an image captured with getimage or set by setimagesize
in memory.
>> procedure setimagesize(p : pointer;x,y : word);
Set the sizes of an image in memory.
If you wanna use your self-made images (i.e. they're calculated in
memory), use this function. Please use the variable
ImageDataSize to get the size of this sizedata. At the moment,
the datasize is 4, but it'll change in further versions because
of the support of Hi/Truecolor. Then the i.e. 2 bytes more are
used the specify the colordepth, alphamapping-information,
and maybe for 256 color-images if there's any palette at the
end of an image (because it's needed in truecolor...)
>> function imagesize(x1,y1,x2,y2 : word) : word;
Returns memory size needed for an image with coordinates
It returns zero and graphresult <> 0 if the image is too large.
>> procedure scale(image : pointer;px,py,sx,sy : word);
Scale image on position PX:PY with the factors SX and SY.
>> procedure putpixel(x,y : word;color : longint);
Put a pixel with COLOR at position X:Y.
>> function getpixel(x,y : word) : longint;
Get the pixel color at position X:Y.
>> procedure putimage(x,y : integer;p : pointer);
Put image from memory pointer P, previosly captured with getimage or
set by setimagesize, at position X:Y.
>> procedure putsprite(x,y : integer;p : pointer;key : byte);
Runs almost like putimage with the difference that you can declare any
color as transparent through variable KEY.
>> procedure getimage(x,y,x2,y2 : integer;p : pointer);
Save an image starting at X:Y and ending at X2:Y2 to the pointer P.
You can calculate the size of P with imagesize(x,y,x2,y2) or with the
following calculation : abs(x2-x)*abs(y2-y)+4 (the 4 extra bytes are
used to save the size of the image).
>> procedure bar(x1,y1,x2,y2: integer);
Draw a filled rectangle starting from X1:Y1 and ending at X2:Y2. The
filling pattern and the color can be set via setfillstyle. To set
only the color of bar, use setfillcolor.
>> procedure line(x1,y1,x2,y2: integer);
Draw a line starting from X1:Y1 and ending at X2:Y2. To set the color
of line call setcolor before drawing line.
The fastest way to draw horizontal lines is hline.
The fastest way to draw vertical lines is vline.
>> procedure bitblit(x1,y1,x2,y2,dstx,dsty : integer);
Copy the rectangle X1:Y1-X2:Y2 to the position DSTX:DSTY. Remember that
this function is very fast with supported gfx-cards, because it uses
hardware acceleration.
>> procedure rbar(x1,y1,x2,y2 :integer;r:word);
Similar to bar, but draws rounded edges, using radius R. Looks sometimes
very nice :)
>> procedure fillcircle(x,y :integer;r:word);
Draw a filled circle. Center is defined by X:Y, radius is R. Filling
pattern and color can be set via setfillstyle. To set only the color,
use setfillcolor.
>> procedure circle(px,py :integer;r:word);
Draws a circle. Center is defined by PX:PY, radius is R. Color can be
set via setcolor.
>> procedure hline(x1,y1,sizex: integer;col : longint);
Draw a horizontal line with the color COL with the length SIZEX from
position X1:Y1.
>> procedure vline(x1,y1,sizey: integer;col : longint);
Draw a vertical line with the color COL with the length SIZEY from
position X1:Y1.
>> procedure putline(x1,y1,sizex: integer;p : pointer);
Put a line with the imagedata P and size SIZEX on the screen, starting
at point X1:Y1.
>> procedure putline8(x1,y1,sizex: integer;p : pointer);
Like putline, but the imagedata must be 8 bits large and it's
calculated to the actual colordepth.
>> procedure putline24(x1,y1,sizex: integer;p : pointer);
Like putline, but the imagedata must be 24 bits large and it's
calculated to the actual colordepth.
>> procedure spriteline(x1,y1,sizex: integer;p : pointer;key : byte);
Put a line with the imagedata P and size SIZEX on the screen,
starting at point X1:Y1. KEY defines the transparent color.
>> procedure getline(x1,y1,sizex: integer;p : pointer);
Get a line from the screen to the pointer P in memory with the length
SIZEX starting from point X1:Y1.
>> procedure fillpoly(numpoints : integer;var points : array of pointtype);
Draw a filled polygon. Use just like the one in Graph.TPU by Borland.
>> procedure drawpoly(numpoints : integer;var polypoints : array of pointtype);
Draw a boundary polygon. Use just like the one in Graph.TPU by Borland.
>> procedure rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2: integer);
Draw a boundary rectangle. Set the color via setcolor.
>> procedure rrectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2 :integer;r : word);
Draw a boundary rectangle with rounded edges. The radius is R.
Set the color via setcolor.
>> procedure cleardevice;
Clear the whole screen.
>> procedure floodfill(x,y : integer;border : longint);
Fill an area starting at point X:Y. The color of the border (= the color
where the filling stops) is BORDER. Set the filling color and pattern
via setfillpattern. To set only the color use setfillcolor.
>> procedure settextjustify(Horiz, Vert : word);
Set text justification. Use just like the one in Graph.TPU by
>> procedure readgraphline(x1,y1,col,maxchars,posx : word;var s2 : string);
Read a line from the screen at position X1:Y1. The text color is COL.
MAXCHARS means the maximum number of chars to read. POSX is the
starting position of the cursor in the string. It should be = 1 for the
first char, that means zero is not allowed! S2 contains the output
string, it can be empty at the beginning, but it can also have
chars in it - these chars would be drawn on screen and you can edit
them with the string then.
>> procedure writexy(x,y : integer;s : string);
Write the string S at position X:Y. Set color of the text via setcolor.
>> procedure outtextxy(x,y : integer;s : string);
Same as writexy. Use just like the one in Graph.TPU by Borland.
This is only for compatibility with graph.
>> procedure setfont(fnt,size : byte);
Set a font. FNT represents the selected font:
0 = Standard font
2 = Small font
^^both automatically linked with graph-unit. All other fonts loadable
by the user, but only one vectorfont at a time (at the moment).
SIZE is the size of the font. Will only affect vector fonts (also
at the moment).
>> function makestr(w : longint) : string;
Convert an integer value to a string. Useful with writexy.
>> function makestrr(r : real;sh,st : byte) : string;
Convert a real to a string. Useful with writexy.
R is converted like following: R:SH:ST.
To get 2 values after the comma, use it like this:
s := makestrr(r,4,2); Write(s);
That result will be the same as if you did: Write(r:4:2);.
>> function textwidth(s : string) : word;
Get the width of the textstring S for the currently used font.
>> function textheight : word;
Get the height of the character for the currently used font.
>> function loadfont(name : string;num : byte) : boolean;
Load a font from disk. NUM is the handle which is used to select font
later in the program. It must be above 2!
>> function loadfontmem(p : pointer;num : byte) : boolean;
The same as loadfont, but it loads the font from the memory. Useful for
linked-in fonts.
>> procedure setactivepage(page : byte);
Set the graphical page, you want to draw at. I CANNOT SAY IT ENOUGH:
THE FIRST PAGE (default on start) IS PAGE 0 !!!!!!!!!
>> procedure setvisualpage(page : word);
Set graphical page, which the user can see. This procedure
automatically avoids flickering (for smooth animations).
>> procedure scroll(ypos : word);
Set the y-start of the screen. Default (on start) is 0.
>> procedure setcolor(col : byte);
Set the current paint color.
>> function getcolor : byte;
Get the current paint color.
>> procedure setfillstyle(pattern : word;col : byte);
Use just like the one in Graph.TPU by Borland.
>> procedure setfillcolor(col: byte);
Sets only the filling color. Pattern won't change.
>> function getmaxx : word;
Gives back the maximum X - resolution of the screen.
Only for compatibility - use variable maxx instead
>> function getmaxy : word;
Gives back the maximum Y - resolution of the screen.
Only for compatibility - use variable maxy instead
>> function getmaxcolor : word;
Gives back the number of available colors. It's always 256 at the
>> procedure setwritemode(writemode: integer);
Is almost the same like in the unit graph, but affects only the
procedure line and there's only the xorput and the normalput mode
available (at the moment).
That's all at the moment. Improvements'll come soon (Well, I hope so ;).
Known bugs
. Univbe and other Utilities may make problems (not MY problem ;)
. older S3-cards may make some problems (some have also a
hardware-bug in their bitblitting-engine)
. very late S3-cards won't work in acceleration mode 2 - I know now
about the changes to make, but they may only appear in GrafX 2
****** COMING SOON ***********************************************************
Well, the next Version should be Grafx2. It'll support also Truecolor.
. maybe gif-support (also anigifs)
. truetype-support (will use freetype 1.0, also with fontsmoothing!!)
. OOP-like model
. faster RLE-sprites
. more easy using of images with different colordepths
. Linear frame buffer support
Grafx2 won't be that compatible to Grafx1.3. It could be that
you have to rewrite your programs.
I don't know yet, but I think about a FPK-Pascal port of my unit.
But before I do this, I have to finish Grafx2. Also this depends
on if FPK-Pas finally gets it's own fully integreated Dos-IDE with
syntax colors, undo... like the TP-IDE.
Wanna know more about me?
my name is Stefan Goehler. I'm living in Germany near Rostock. I have brown
hair and (dark-)brown eyes. I've reached in my 18 years of living here on
this silly world a size of 1.73m.... that's enough... I'm too lazy to think
about what I could write any more... ;)
Ok, have fun with my unit. If you did something really impressing with it,
let me know :)
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